About Us
For our trial flights and flying training we use UK-manufactured Mainair Blade 912, Pegasus Quantum 912 and Flash 2 Alpha 503 flexwing (weight-shift) microlights, powered by Rotax aircraft engines, and the Australian Thruster T600N Sprint three-axis (fixed wing) microlight, powered by the 2500cc Jabiru engine.
At Long Marston we are lucky enough to have three tarmac and grass runways with dawn to dusk flying amidst beautiful countryside in quiet, uncluttered airspace. Whilst other schools based only at grass airfields lose valuable flying time in the winter months when their airfields become waterlogged, our tarmac runways keep us flying all year round. We are also within just a few minutes’ flying time of some of Warwickshire’s premier visitor attractions, including Kenilworth Castle, Warwick Castle and the world-famous Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon. Come and see for yourself!
As far as our pilot training courses go, we pride ourselves on approaching things rather differently to other microlight schools. To begin with, we like to make absolutely sure that you’ve made an informed choice about the microlight school you want to fly with. We won’t just sign you up for a training course. Instead, we recommend that you have a trial flight with us first, to see whether the experience matches up to your expectations. Next we make a point of asking you to check out the other excellent microlight schools in the area:
Freedom Sports Aviation (freedomsports.co.uk)
Enstone Microlights (enstonemicrolights.wixsite.com/philreed)
Flylight Airsports (flylight.co.uk)
If you’re still convinced that Microflights is the right school for you, we then ask you to have a single front-seat lesson as a “trial run”. If you’re still keen after that, we’ll sit down with you for a good long chat through all the details, including costs and what we’ll expect of each other. Importantly, that gives us a chance to decide whether we’re right for you, or whether we feel you’d do better in a different training environment.